Friday, September 21, 2007

Spending time with God

My, this has been a BUSY week! I spent last week traveling-went to Nashville for a conference and this week, I have been super busy playing 'catch up' from the time away. Both at home and in the office....personally and professionally. There is just so much to do!

It's been an interesting week-lots to do, lots of emotional ups and downs. I think part of it is the 'let down' after a great conference. Those things are generally high energy and motivational and inspiring. This one was all those things and more-because it was a Christian counseling conference. So in addition to all the usual stuff-this conference was filled with praise and worship-the spirit of God was very present and very real. There's just something special about worshipping with 7000 people that's hard to put into words. I also treated this trip as a bit of a personal retreat-I took my journal and my Bible and really focused on spending time with God. I spent a lot of time alone, just thinking, writing, praying and reading. It's something that I don't get to do in as much depth as I would like in the 'busy-ness' of every day life. It's unfortunate, in some ways that I have to go to such extremes to get refreshed and renewed. And yet, at the same time, I am so grateful to have opportunities like that.

While I was away, I vowed to make my time with God a priority, even at home in the 'busy-ness'. And sadly, as I look back over this week-I see how much I let it slip by-and I see missed opportunities too. I did make time with God a priority-I did get to a women's Bible study at church that I almost blew off-because I was so busy and so tired. I'm so glad I went-it was refreshing and renewing-and fun. :-) It's funny-ironic, I guess. I get busy, so I make choices and let my time with God fall to the bottom of the to do list; and I feel more tired and irritable. When I make the choice and sometimes the sacrifice that is required-(say like going to a Bible study when I'm tired) even though it takes more time and the easier choice would be to skip it-when I go, and invest the time and energy-I get renewed and recharged. I feel better and am then able to help others more. It's seems like it wouldn't work that way, but I find more often than not, it does.

I'd love to hear from you-about the things that refresh/recharge/renew your energy. How do you nurture yourself? What do you struggle with in these areas?

A friend sent me this video-which really moved me and made me think. It beautifully illustrates part of what I'm talking about. Maybe your story is not so dramatic or painful as the one depicted-or maybe it is more so. Either way, it doesn't matter. Jesus is there, pulling for you-no matter what. I am so awed and humbled my the reminder.

Until next time!


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