Saturday, January 24, 2009


Many times people have questions about their mental and emotional concerns.....

private issues that they are uncertain or even embarrassed to ask.

Or maybe you have a question or concern about a friend or a family member.

Maybe you've just wondered about something for a while or been curious....

now is your chance to ask the counselor.....

You can email me your questions at Lena at LenaWright dot com

Or post them by leaving a comment (not as private)

I'll take the questions and answer them here on the blog.

I will protect your privacy by not posting your real name in the Q & A.


I'll look forward to hearing from you.

My passion is helping women find peace and contentment

so they may enjoy healthy relationships

and be all that God has created them to be.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If a family member is going to a counselor for his bipolar/anger issues/control issues, etc. and it seems apparent that he is not telling the counselor everything about his past and present behavior, though says that he is, is it improper for the family to send the counselor a letter further detailing the abusive behavior that has taken place and still takes place? Or is the counselor not allowed to consider information from the family? (You are not the counselor, by the way.) Thank you for your answer.